Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Top 3 Non-Dairy Frozen Treats Right Now

In college I worked at a pizza place resulting in me eating so much pizza I became lactose-intolerant. I can't confirm this with a matter of fact, but at some point I realized dairy products and my body cannot co-exist. First I struggled with that concept, then I was sad, then I was angry, and now, I am at peace. 

With veganism and dairy alternative lifestyles on the rise it has without doubt become easier to enjoy the things I've given up on in life due to my intolerance. While my intolerance isn't fun, it's not deadly - I could intake some dairy products here and there and it's not going to completely ruin my day. However, I still find myself actively searching for the dairy free alternatives.With that in mind, I present to you my top three dairy-free desserts running:

A picture of dairy free ice cream sandwiches 

Number 3: Alden's Organic Dairy Free Caramel Drizzle Round Sammies

 I live directly behind a Sprouts, a healthy / organic focused grocery store, which is ripe with dairy alternative options especially the desserts. Recently while meandering the back aisles of said Sprouts I stood gazing at the dessert fridges looking for the perfect frozen treat. And the fridge gazed back, as if shrouded in light the box pictured above took center stage in my view. Astounded by the opportunity to enjoy an ice cream sandwich again I jumped at the possibility and threw them into my basket. 

Fast forward a few hours and with dinner and dishes complete it was time to give these a go. First, I can safely say this is the best dairy-free ice cream sandwich I've ever had, and I've had many. The balance between the outer sandwich exterior and actual caramel drizzle within the "ice cream" truly made this phenomenal. I want to say I legitimately ate this within 3-4 bites, and it's not something I am proud of but need to emphasize how delicious these were. It's also part of my criticism, they're too small. But I do also enjoy that part, it's a perfect amount to leave you wanting more. And you know what? I want more. I'm looking for these every visit to Sprouts and have yet to find them stocked again - they move fast. One day again I'll enjoy these greats but let me be the first to say keep your eyes peeled for yourself. 
A picture of dairy free ice cream container

Number 2: Trader Joes' Soy Creamy Cherry Chocolate Chip Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert

I think this one most speaks for itself and needs little explanation but it's essentially my favorite "ice cream" and it's not even close. Soy Creamy is loaded with cherry chunks and hunks of dark chocolate with cherry flavored ice cream, it's delicious and needs to be on everyone's list when going to TJ's. This one especially is something I suggest to people regardless if they have an issue with dairy or not. When my girlfriend brings this home from a trip to Trader Joe's I'm a happy guy, it's that simple. Soy Creamy is also a great topping ice cream too. For example, we baked fresh vegan brownies and put this one top "pizookie" style and it was one of the best desserts I've ever had. Get out there and try this if you haven't. 

A picture of a dairy free ice cream bar box

Number 1: Haagen-Dazs Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge Non-Dairy

So I will admit I've only stumbled onto these recently however I am not guilty of recency bias. These are the best dairy-free dessert options on the market. I genuinely did not believe my girlfriend when she told me these were dairy-free. The peanut butter and dark chocolate make it so rich you are absolutely convinced this is loaded with all the dairy in the world, but its not. Honestly these would be the absolute perfect dessert but they come three to a box and that is a terrible policy and I would urge all ice cream companies worldwide to stick to four, please. My hatred for odd counted ice cream bars aside I will actively be looking for these bars in the future because they were best dairy-free frozen treat I've ever had.

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